
For Research Professional News, production of a fortnight bullettin of news about Italian universities and research.

For Univadis/Medscape, production of daily and weekly newsletters in Italian and English with clinical reports and conference coverage from the main scientific conferences in Italy and abroad, tailored on the general practitioners as well as on specialists from several specialty areas.

For Associazione Italiana per la Ricerca sul Cancro (Italian Association on Cancer Research, AIRC), now Fondazione AIRC: production of many articles for the magazine Fondamentale and for the website

For Cancerworld (published by the European School of Oncology, ESO), production of feature articles and news about oncology, cancer policy and healthcare and editing of the website.

For Nature magazine, collaboration on editorials about research in Italy.

For Il Sole 24 Ore: monthly production of several pages of the monthly 24 Ore Medici e and collaboration with the weekly 24OreSanità.

For Fondazione Veronesi: collaboration with the portal on cancer Sportello Cancro, co-produced with the daily il Corriere della sera, and with the monthly magazine OK Salute (published by Rizzoli-Corriere della Sera).

Collaboration with the weekly Panorama, published by Mondadori, on the special issues on best hospitals and Emergency Rooms Grandi Ospedali and Pronto Soccorso, and with the website

Collaboration with the weekly British Medical Journal published by the British Medical Association.

Zoe also contributed on a regular basis to many magazines such as Newton, Wired, Focus, Le Scienze, Mente e Cervello.

For Elsevier/LSWR/Edra we have been producing on a daily, weekly and monthly basis clinical newsletters in Italian for DoctorNews / Medicina33,  aimed at General Practitioners and several specialists (ob-gyn, pediatrics, diabetology, cardiology, internal medicine, nutrition).


In 2014 Zoe launched the project of the Centre for Ethics in Science and Journalism, to coordinate and promote, in Italy and Internationally, research on ethics .
The Centre for Ethics in Science and Journalism – Centro per l’etica nella scienza e nel giornalismo  was established as an independent non-profit entity in 2016 and is today a member of the International Ethical Journalism Network.